Compound interest is boring!

Compound interest is boring exhibits satisfiability. ~ Exvirgin, 2010


É perto da meia-noite e algo mal ocultos no escuro
Sob o luar, você verá uma visão que quase pára o seu coração
Você tenta gritar, mas o terror toma o som antes de se tornar
Você começa a congelar como horror você olha direito entre os olhos
Você está paralisado

Porque este é thriller, thriller noite
E ninguém vai te salvar da besta sobre greve
Você sabe que é thriller, thriller noite
Você está lutando por sua vida dentro de um assassino, thriller tonight

Ouviu bater com a porta e perceber, há parte alguma esquerda para executar
Você sente a mão fria e se perguntam se você já viu o sol
Você fecha os olhos e espero que isto é apenas a imaginação, a menina!
Mas tudo o que ouve, enquanto a criatura rastejante atrás
Você está fora de prazo

Porque este é thriller, thriller noite
Não há nenhuma segunda chance contra a coisa com quarenta olhos, menina
Policial, thriller noite
Você está lutando por sua vida dentro de um assassino, thriller tonight

Noite criaturas chamadora, os mortos começam a andar no seu baile de máscaras
Não há fuga do garras do estrangeiro desta vez
(Eles estão abertos)
Este é o fim da sua vida

Eles estão fora buscar-te, não há demônios no encerramento por todos os lados
Eles possuem menos que você altere esse número no seu dial
Agora é o momento para você e eu a abraço juntos, sim
Todos durante a noite eu vou te salvar do terror na tela
Eu vou fazer você ver

Que isto é thriller, thriller noite
Porque eu posso-lhe mais emoção do que qualquer fantasma jamais ousa tentar
Policial, thriller noite
Então deixe-me segurá-lo apertado e compartilhar um
Killer, Diller, chiller, thriller aqui esta noite

Porque este é thriller, thriller noite
Menina, eu posso-lhe mais emoção do que qualquer fantasma jamais ousa tentar
Policial, thriller noite
Então deixe-me segurá-lo apertado e partilhar um assassino, thriller, ow!

(I’m gonna emoção ea noite)
Trevas cai em toda a terra
A meia-hora é fechar a mão
Criaturas rastreamento em busca de sangue
Para aterrorizar y’alls bairro

Vou emoção ea noite, ooh bebé
Eu vou te emoção esta noite, oh querida
Policial noite, baby, ooh!

O fedor foulest está no ar
O funk de quarenta mil anos
E grisalho ghouls de cada túmulo
Estão fechando o de selar no castigo

E embora você luta para permanecer vivo
Seu corpo começa a tremer
Para não mero mortal pode resistir
O mal do thriller

No pun intended

No pun intended

June 29, 2009 Posted by | Generic Ramblings, Songs, Surprise post! | , , | Leave a comment

No explanation for you!

June 28, 2009 Posted by | From the management, Idiocy, Utterly Pointless | , , , | Leave a comment

If Elvis was Hitler?

Well, it’s one for the money,
Two for the show,
Three to get ready,
Now go, Panzer, go.

But don’t you step on my Concentration Camp.
You can do anything but lay off of my Concentration Camp.

Well, you can invade my Poland,
Bomb my Dresden,
Land on my Atlantic Coast
All over the place.

Do anything that you want to do, but uh-uh,
Stalin, lay off of my camps
Don’t you step on my Concentration Camps.
You can do anything but lay off of my Concentration Camps.

You can crush my armies,
Steal my rocket designs,
Destroy my cities
From an old spitfire.

Do anything that you want to do, but uh-uh,
Honey, lay off of my camps
Don’t you step on my Concentration Camps.
You can do anything but lay off of my Concentration Camps.



(No offense is intended by this post)

June 25, 2009 Posted by | Idiocy, Songs | , , , , | 2 Comments

Hydraulic Leprechauns: The TRUTH!




Now, on a subject matter which you do not hear much about, HYDRAULIC LEPRECHAUNS. Not may people know that they are everywhere. It is not the zionists which control the world’s economy, but the Hydraulic Leprechauns. They lurk wherever environmentalists are, and eat them, thus removing the possibility of a solution to global warming. George Bush was one of them, and so is Ayatollah Khamenei. The electoral fraud in iran was perpetrated by Hydraulic Leprechauns. HITLER was in league with the Hydraulic Leprechauns, as were both Kim Jong-Il and Mussolini. They are behind all evil doings.  THEY KNOW WHERE YOU LIVE.

Rather, they are actually quite awesome, and misunderstood. Gogo Hydraulic Leprechauns!

June 25, 2009 Posted by | Angry Rants, Awesome, Idiocy, THE TRUTH | , , , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

1500 visits!

Obligatory picture

Obligatory picture

To celebrate 1500 visits to my blog, I give you the most frequent search terms which have led people to my most exciting blog

As can be seen, many searches involve North Korea. My personal favourites, however are “french noses” and “crossdressing moustache”. There are strange people on the internet. Even stranger than me.

Search Views
compound interest is boring 5
kill north korea 4
north korea will kill us all 3
mussolini and kim jong-il 2
stalin martians 1
jeremias 18:11-12 1
comund@ de mensagens etc & tal 1
compounded interest 1
crossdressing moustache 1
the koreans are going to kill us all 1
games compound interest 1
cowboys fight 1
french noses 1
crimean war jokes 1
compoundinterestisboring 1
king leka 1
forli, italia 1
kim jong-il compound 1
spread of swine flue 1
what happening in tehran 1
compound interest and kids and games onl 1
is north korea going to kill us 1
can north korea kill us 1
north korea will kill us? 1
will korea kill us all 1
compound interest games 1

June 25, 2009 Posted by | Awesome, From the management, Generic Ramblings | , , , , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment


Botswana is developing Nuclear weapons. Seriously. They are full of religious extremists, and are backed by North Korea and their PRESIDENT IS ACTUALLY MUSSOLINI’S GHOST!

THEIR ENTIRE POPULATION HAS KAISER BILL MOUSTACHES! Kim Jong Il regularly shops there! Richard Nixon lives there!

How could anyone possibly trust a country such as this?


A Jihad on Botswana!

Or not.

(This entire post is lies, and is me, amusing myself.)

June 24, 2009 Posted by | Angry Rants, Awesome, Idiocy, Surprise post!, Utterly Pointless | , , , , , , | Leave a comment

Nonsense persists!

Obama Might have forged his birth certificate.

Such rumours have been around for ages. Why don’t they just go away? It’s rather silly that some people still insist on believing ridiulous things just because they don’t want Obama as their president.

It’s a conspiracy!

Anyway, the rule is ridiculous. Schwarznegger would make a good President, I think, as would many other foreign born Americans. It’s racism, basically.



Ridiculous people. Obama is not some conspiracy to turn the US into a theocracy.

June 18, 2009 Posted by | Angry Rants, Generic Ramblings, News, Political | , | 1 Comment


So, things are crazy on the Korean Peninsula.

Lots of excitement involving Nuclear Weapons and Missiles and such.

North Korea is talking big, but probably won’t attack South Korea or the US outright, although the possibility cannot be ruled out.

The world seems a little screwed up right now.

June 17, 2009 Posted by | Generic Ramblings, News | , , , | Leave a comment


Well, apparently a New swine flu vaccine has been made by ethical means, a pro-life group has affirmed.

It’s crazy that people would consider not getting vaccinated against a disease if the vaccine was made from stem cells which came from aborted feotuses.

Meanwhile, Swine Flu continues its rapid spread. Ensnaring us all in a web of evil, and sore throats.

The spread of SWINE FLU!

The spread of SWINE FLU!

Swine Flu has obviously been caused by Atheism.

So I call on all atheists to renounce their sinful ways and worship our savior, Christ.


June 17, 2009 Posted by | Generic Ramblings, News, Political | , , , , | Leave a comment


A bundle of changes have occurred of late.

A new theme, some new ‘widgets’, including polls.

Also there is another link on the ‘blogroll’ for ‘News that matters‘.

The days before Palestinian terrorism in the skies

The days before Palestinian terrorism in the skies

Until we meet again~.

June 16, 2009 Posted by | From the management, Generic Ramblings | , , , , | Leave a comment