Compound interest is boring!

Compound interest is boring exhibits satisfiability. ~ Exvirgin, 2010

An update

Has anyone else noted that the Email sent to me from Repent America was from a person named Heather Clark? Well, the former Prime Minister of New Zealand was Helen Clark, and New Zealand is the place where many Maoris live. A coincidence? I think not! The similarities between the name Heather and Helen and too obvious to be coincidental!

Also, Heather is a mere one letter away from HEATHEN! The evidence compounds. The Maori Party’s policy of ignorance cannot possibly weather this new revelation.

January 29, 2010 Posted by | The Crusade! | , , | Leave a comment

Top Games of the 2000s

This is a little late, but this list required ungodly amounts of reserach and effort.

After such research, only two games of the entire decade will truly go down in history as unparalleled classics.

The first:

Rocket Power: Beach Bandits (Super Extreme Ultimate Shindig)

What a masterpiece. Unparralleled Gameplay, Unparalleled Plot, genius animation in cutscenes. It’s hard to find a game which comes close to this in terms of sheer brilliance and lasting impact on the gaming world. No respectable organisation could leave this out of its top games of the decade, let alone all time. Unfortunately, it has been supressed by the vicious and evil Maori Party.

Real Lives 2007

Another masterpiece. What is a game without dead people going to trade school, getting married, and having children? How can anyone bear to live without hordes of Rajivs running around? You have not experience full 3D gaming until you have experienced Real lives 2007. and it can be run on practically any computer! What professional coders they must have. Toiling away tirelessy to produce a masterpiece that will go down in time aliong the Mona Lisa, and the Arc de Triomphe. Truly stunning.

January 29, 2010 Posted by | Awesome, News, THE TRUTH | , , | 1 Comment