Compound interest is boring!

Compound interest is boring exhibits satisfiability. ~ Exvirgin, 2010

One which has the highest probability is the most probable outcome.

The Collected Works of Sivashanmugam. Invariantology is particularly informative.

The title is an excerpt from invariantology, the real highlight of the collection. A true modern masterpiece on par with Shakespeare.

There are more works other than the core texts linked above. Even some videos! This is truly a treasure trove. Greater than even the tomb of Tutankhamen.

This leaves us with just one question, WHO THE HELL IS ANNA JUSTIN? And who is Soundarya Nayaki? And why have they responded to two of my blog posts?

April 24, 2010 Posted by | Analytical Wiki, Generic Ramblings, The Crusade!, THE TRUTH, Utterly Pointless | , | 7 Comments

Lo and behold!

An incredibly apt metaphor, don’t you think?

April 14, 2010 Posted by | Awesome, Sarko Stalin Surprise!, Surprise post!, Utterly Pointless | , , , , , | 5 Comments