Compound interest is boring!

Compound interest is boring exhibits satisfiability. ~ Exvirgin, 2010

I am Nero, Lord of the Dance!

Well, there you have it. The Maori Party still refuses to contact me in return! Well, so be it! They have chosen their own downfall, and, my faithful blogees, we must hasten it! Rise up against this new and vicious tyranny hat is Political PArties not replying to emails, especially ones received from persons claimed to be Earls! Thusly, all willing parties should submit the data which can be found at this link, Divided we Stand, United we Fall, as King Leopold said not all that long ago!

And here is further proof of their indisputable evil!

Their party name contains Mao, and Mao Zedong is noted for the Great Leap Forwards and other moves which destroyed China’s industrial base and killed millions! Mao also contributes negatively to your Deng Shui energies!

They have five, yes, five members in the New Zealand house of representatives. And is it not so, faithful blogees, that five is the number of JUPITER, which is merely one planet away from SATURN, which sounds far too suspiciously like SATAN. Thusly, evil!

Cry ‘God for Harry, England, and Saint George!’ Carry on the crusade, dear friends, until the deed is done, and the evil destroyed!

Please note, this is not at all serious, merely jovial and light-hearted

To arms!

December 14, 2009 Posted by | Angry Rants, Generic Ramblings, Idiocy, Political, The Crusade!, THE TRUTH | , , , , , , , , | 1 Comment

Hydraulic Leprechauns: The TRUTH!




Now, on a subject matter which you do not hear much about, HYDRAULIC LEPRECHAUNS. Not may people know that they are everywhere. It is not the zionists which control the world’s economy, but the Hydraulic Leprechauns. They lurk wherever environmentalists are, and eat them, thus removing the possibility of a solution to global warming. George Bush was one of them, and so is Ayatollah Khamenei. The electoral fraud in iran was perpetrated by Hydraulic Leprechauns. HITLER was in league with the Hydraulic Leprechauns, as were both Kim Jong-Il and Mussolini. They are behind all evil doings.  THEY KNOW WHERE YOU LIVE.

Rather, they are actually quite awesome, and misunderstood. Gogo Hydraulic Leprechauns!

June 25, 2009 Posted by | Angry Rants, Awesome, Idiocy, THE TRUTH | , , , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment


Botswana is developing Nuclear weapons. Seriously. They are full of religious extremists, and are backed by North Korea and their PRESIDENT IS ACTUALLY MUSSOLINI’S GHOST!

THEIR ENTIRE POPULATION HAS KAISER BILL MOUSTACHES! Kim Jong Il regularly shops there! Richard Nixon lives there!

How could anyone possibly trust a country such as this?


A Jihad on Botswana!

Or not.

(This entire post is lies, and is me, amusing myself.)

June 24, 2009 Posted by | Angry Rants, Awesome, Idiocy, Surprise post!, Utterly Pointless | , , , , , , | Leave a comment

Nonsense persists!

Obama Might have forged his birth certificate.

Such rumours have been around for ages. Why don’t they just go away? It’s rather silly that some people still insist on believing ridiulous things just because they don’t want Obama as their president.

It’s a conspiracy!

Anyway, the rule is ridiculous. Schwarznegger would make a good President, I think, as would many other foreign born Americans. It’s racism, basically.



Ridiculous people. Obama is not some conspiracy to turn the US into a theocracy.

June 18, 2009 Posted by | Angry Rants, Generic Ramblings, News, Political | , | 1 Comment

A França parece que depois da minha luxúria Caribe territórios

Sou compelido pelo Espírito Santo para enviar uma mensagem urgente a todos na nossa mailing list, e aos amigos e aos bispos que tenham cumprido todos os lugares do mundo.

UMA TERRA-estilhaçando CALAMIDADE está prestes a acontecer. Vai ser tão assustador, todos nós estamos indo para tremer – MESMO ENTRE OS GODLIEST E.U..

Por dez anos eu tenho sido um alerta sobre incêndios mil chegando a Nova York. Será engolfar toda a megaplex, incluindo áreas de Nova Jersey e Connecticut. Principais cidades em toda a América irá experiência motins e incêndios em chamas, como vimos em Watts, Los Angeles, anos atrás.

Haverá motins e incêndios nas cidades em todo o mundo. Haverá pilhagem, incluindo Times Square, Nova Iorque. O que nós estamos enfrentando agora não é uma recessão, nem sequer uma depressão. Estamos sob ira de Deus. No Salmo 11, está escrito,

“Se as fundações são destruídos, o que pode fazer o justo?” (V. 3).

Deus está julgando a grassar pecados da América e as nações. Ele está a destruir as bases seculares.

O profeta Jeremias invocada com ímpios de Israel, “Deus é fashioning uma calamidade contra ti e delinear um plano contra vós. Ah, voltar atrás cada um de vocês a partir do seu mal caminho, e sua reforma formas e atos. Mas eles vão dizer, é desesperador! Por que vamos seguir os nossos próprios planos, e cada um de nós agirá de acordo com a teimosia do seu coração o mal “(Jeremias 18:11-12).

Em Salmos 11:6, David adverte, “Após os ímpios ele vai chover laços (carvões de fogo) … … fogo queima vento … será a porção do seu copo.” Por quê? David respondeu: “Porque o Senhor é justo” (v. 7). Este é um julgamento justo, tal como nas decisões de Sodoma e Noah’s em geração.

O QUE DEVE FAZER O justo? WHAT ABOUT o povo de Deus?

Primeiro, quero dar-lhe uma palavra que eu recebi práticos para o meu próprio caminho. Se for possível estabelecer uma loja em trinta dias de abastecimento de alimentos não perecíveis, produtos de higiene e outros aspectos essenciais. Nas grandes cidades, supermercados são esvaziados em uma hora, o sinal de um desastre iminente.

Como espiritual para a nossa reacção, mas temos duas opções. Esta é descrita no Salmo 11. Nós “fugir como um pássaro de uma montanha.” Ou, como diz David, “Ele os olhos fixos no Senhor, em seu trono no céu beholding-lhe os olhos, pálpebras, testando os seus filhos dos homens” (v. 4). “Em que o Senhor me tomar refúgio” (v. 1).

Eu vou dizer à minha alma: Não há necessidade de correr … não há necessidade de se esconder. Trata-se de Deus virtuosos trabalho. Vou eis nosso Senhor sobre o seu trono, com seu olho do concurso, bondade amorosa vigiar cada passo Levo-confiante que ele vai entregar o seu povo mesmo através de inundações, incêndios, calamidades, ensaios, ensaios de todos os tipos.

Nota: não sei quando estas coisas venham a concretizar, mas sei que não é muito longe. Tenho unburdened minha alma a você. Fazer com a mensagem que você escolher.

Deus te abençoe e guarde você.

I demand more visitors!

April 12, 2009 Posted by | Angry Rants, Generic Ramblings, Political, Quotation compilation, Surprise post!, Utterly Pointless | , , , , | Leave a comment

Transvestite moustache people, go away

Seriously, one of the three searches that has led here was for crossdressing moustache.

What kind of creepy fetish is that?

Anyway, Botswana.

The fish is correct, yo.

There are lots of Protestants in Botswana.

Those people are really quite stupid.

I mean, really. ‘Let’s bash up police and nationalise EVERYTHING IN EXISTENCE .’

Next time I see someone handing out Green-Left newspapers I’m going to get one, and blog about it. They look as if they’re full of laughs.

A quote; “While two million are now out of work in Britain alone, the G20 ministers still resist nationalising the banks, instead continuing to pour trillions into the black hole of bankers’ bad gambling debts.”

Seriously, nationalising solves nothing. It creates so many problems. It makes companies inefficient, it may create more jobs in the short term, but in the long term, it stifles economic growth, productivity and the like.

Anyway, sorry for the rant, I just hate people who protest about things that don’t make any sense to protest about. Globalisation is not a bad thing, sure it has its bad points, but how can lifting people from poverty not work out for the best in the long term. Think Botswana.

Anywho, guten nacht, blogees.

March 25, 2009 Posted by | Angry Rants, Generic Ramblings, Political | , , , , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment