Compound interest is boring!

Compound interest is boring exhibits satisfiability. ~ Exvirgin, 2010

Demonic liver grapes

Gordon Brown in his true form

So, that time of month, eh? When the werevolves come out (Or not, apparently, the Moon is actually in its Waning Crescent phase, which means it will soon be time for the New Moon, which is everyone‘s favourite novel, of course)

Regardless, this entire blog was for the purpose of presenting the above picture. The Loch NHS Monster. It will rise from the depths of lakes and socialise your medicine. There can not be a more hideous fate imaginable to mankind.  Obama’s support for socialised medicine proves he is in fact a Plesiosaur, and Plesiosaurs are not American! They come from the ocean! The Ocean is not America!

Regardless, it is the evening, and I away.


November 12, 2009 Posted by | Awesome, Europe, Generic Ramblings, Idiocy, Political, THE TRUTH | , , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

Resistance is futile, apparently.

Right now I have strange mental images of Gordon Brown as the Borg Queen from Star Trek. It is rather disturbing in fact.

Gordon Brown + Tight-fitting bodysuit = Horrid.

I think enough has been said.


“Barack, I brought the olive oil.” Mussolini whispered seductively, his strong arms bulging with sweaty muscles.
Obama leaned back and grinned.
“Benito, we’ve talked about this. You’ve been dead since 1945.”
“Nothing can stand in the way of true love!”

As you can see, disturbing. TO THE MAX.

This man also posts my images, sometimes before, sometimes after me. Along with other lesser things. As well, the Mussolini x Obama nonsense is all his fault. ( Warning, contains slight amounts of nudity, it seems.)

My Blog is strictly PG.

May 21, 2009 Posted by | Europe, Generic Ramblings | , , , , , , , | Leave a comment


It actually exists.

April 8, 2009 Posted by | Europe, Surprise post! | , , , | Leave a comment

Rei dos Reis

That’s right, it’s Zog time!

Everyone’s favourite King, from Albania.

From wikipedia ” During his presidency, many referred to him as “King”, as they had no idea what the word “president” meant. ” Hence he declared himself King.

Later on, whilst assasins were attacking him outside a theater, he took out his pistol and fired back.

His son, King Leka is also awesome, but his story shall be told another day.

March 30, 2009 Posted by | Europe, Generic Ramblings, Political | , , | 2 Comments

Number of grandparents, It is to guide you to victory!

Herói do mar, nobre povo,
Nação Valente, imortal,
Rise hoje novamente
Portugal é lindo!
O nevoeiro da memória, da
O, um país, como voz
N º de avós
É para orientá-lo para a vitória!
Armas, às armas!
Mar e terra, sobre
Armas, às armas!
País para uma luta!
Artilharia, mar, mar Contra!
Invicta, desfraldar banner
Sua luz brilhante no céu!
Brade em todo o distrito:
Em Portugal está morto
Beija o solo encomendou
Mar, a rugir de amor,
E o vencedor do braço
Dê ao mundo o novo mundo!
Armas, às armas!
Mar e terra, sobre
Armas, às armas!
País para uma luta!
Artilharia, mar, mar Contra!
Saudai o sol subir
Sobre o futuro Ridenti;
É o eco de uma afronta
Redesenho da assinatura.
Dawn da forte feixe
Como um beijo de sua mãe,
Nós, nós mantemos, mantenha
O destino do insulto é anexado.
Armas, às armas!
Mar e terra, sobre
Armas, às armas!
País para uma luta!
Artilharia, mar, mar Contra!

March 19, 2009 Posted by | Europe, Generic Ramblings, Songs | , , , , | Leave a comment


I know I promised some Mussolini, but I need a poem espousing his brilliance, for translation into portuguese.

And so, I give you some Sarkozy, to fill the time until then.

The translation is a bit inaccurate, I think, but the gist can still be extracted.

France is back in Nato’s military command. This is rather good, yes?

Apparently someone has accessed my blog through ‘the Google’. But their search term would yield little else.

‘We are willing to put troops on the ground, but it’s too much to risk generals going to committees.” Who can possibly disagree with such wit from Sarko?

Have some Sarko related links.

Enjoy your day, and carry on thinking of Sarkozy.

P.S. Also, blogees, how do I change the scale of images in MS Paint? I AM NOT GETTING PHOTOSHOP, by the way.

P.P.S. If you have a crap monitor, 22″ and below, you can always right click upon the images and click copy image location or link location, and view them as such. This is for Firefox, I know not if such things can occur with internet Explorer.

March 17, 2009 Posted by | Europe, Generic Ramblings, Quotation compilation, Surprise post! | , , , , | Leave a comment

Do you wish to go to ‘Le Yorkshire’?

Haha, the French do so enjoy Le Yorkshire.
So says the BBC.

Adelaide looks quite nice at night, specifically North Terrace and Rundle Mall, all so spectacular and somewhat deserted.

Ah yes, dearest comrade Kim, a variant of the picture has been put up before.

Mussolini shall feature in the next update, and by popular demand, more Prince Phillip will arrive sometime tomorrow.

So, the BNP are crapheads, I quote their mission statement: “The BNP has moved on in recent years, casting off the leg-irons of conspiracy theories and the thinly veiled anti-semitism which has held this party back for two decades. The real enemies of the British people are home grown Anglo-Saxon Celtic liberal-leftists … and the Crescent Horde – the endless wave of Islamics who are flocking to our shores to bring our island nations into the embrace of their barbaric desert religion.”

Who would vote for such people?

Apparently 0.7% of the UK’s population, which is about the same percentage as voted for the Democrats here last election.

The UKIP is much better, but still crap. Damn eurosceptics. Who could possibly resist the lure of Sarkozy?

He is much better than Chirac, Chirac was an incredible moron.

He’s probably my favourite European leader.

Monday Uni is so very boring, my assignment for one of my classes is 50% referencing in the marks scheme. That’s rubbish, and apparently the textbook is utterly useless.

Well, enjoy your evenings blogees, and tomorrow I should have the two aforementioned posts, plus one general picture spam.

March 16, 2009 Posted by | Europe, Generic Ramblings | , , , , , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

If it has four legs and is not a chair

Tonight’s title comes from a quote by prince Phillip, the Duke of Edinburgh which goes like so;

If it has four legs and is not a chair, has wings and is not an aeroplane, or swims and is not a submarine, the Cantonese will eat it.

So, have some pictures, firstly Prince Phillip himself:

Such wise, wise words.

And now, an aeroplane, with the wisest words imaginable.

Correct, yes?

And now, some Emperor Napoleon;

Until we meet again, my precious blogees.

March 15, 2009 Posted by | Europe, Generic Ramblings, Quotation compilation | , , , , , , , | 2 Comments

It will ride at you on horseback shooting arrows. OF GOLD!

Damn nineteenth century English. I’ll get you someday!

Metade de um campeonato, metade de um campeonato,
Metade de um campeonato em diante,
Todos no Vale da Morte
Rode a seiscentos.
‘Encaminhar, a Light Brigade!
Encargo para as armas “, disse-lhes:
Into the valley of Death
Rode a seiscentos.

‘Encaminhar, a Light Brigade! ”
Havia um homem dismay’d?
Não tho ‘os soldados sabiam
Algumas tinham um blunder’d:
Aí não fazer resposta,
Aí não a razão pela qual,
Deles, mas fazer e morrer:
Into the valley of Death
Rode a seiscentos.

Canhão para a direita deles,
Cannon à esquerda deles,
Cannon na frente delas
Volley’d e thunder’d;
Storm’d tiro e com a casca,
Audazmente eles e andava bem,
Into the garras da morte,
Na boca do inferno
Rode a seiscentos.

Flash’d todos os seus sabres bare,
Flash’d como eles transformaram no ar
Sabring os artilheiros lá,
Carregar um exército enquanto
Todo o mundo wonder’d:
Mergulho na bateria-fumo
Direito thro ‘a linha que quebrou;
Cossaco e russo
Reel’d do sabre de curso
Shatter’d e sunder’d.
Depois, andava para trás, mas não
Não é a seiscentos.

Canhão para a direita deles,
Cannon à esquerda deles,
Cannon atrás deles
Volley’d e thunder’d;
Storm’d tiro e com a casca,
Embora a cavalo e caiu herói,
Eles tinham que lutaram tão bem
Came thro ‘as garras da morte,
Voltar a partir da boca do inferno,
Tudo o que foi deixado um deles,
Esquerda de seiscentos.

Quando podem desbotar sua glória?
O encargo que fizeram o mundo selvagem!
Todo o mundo wonder’d.
Honra a acusação que eles fizeram!
Honra o Light Brigade,
Noble seiscentos!

March 13, 2009 Posted by | Europe, Songs, Surprise post! | , , | Leave a comment


That’s right. Stuff his actual title, he’s a Colonel in my heart~.

The truth, aren’t we all the spawn of dearest Arthur? Is his nose not the most noble you have ever seen?

How could Napoleon have possibly thought of fighting against a man with a nose like that? He was truly a mad man to think so.

I know I promised Bismarck to at least one person, but I could not unearth suitable pictures, so Khrushchev will have to suffice.

You heard the man! Heed his wise words. Because the number of exclamation marks is directly proportional to the amount of wisdom in a phrase.

So, what do you all think of Belgian Weather? Is it nice? Do i have any readers who have ventured into the low countries ever? Do I actually have any readers who I haven’t met in person?

I’d have more pictures, but I need more phrases to put on them. I’d like a shirt with the Chapeu picture upon it. That would be brilliant, no?

And now, on a suggestion:

Oh so tasteful, yes?

I feel I am blogging a little too regularly, but what else am I to do?

Anyway, I need a colour photo of Khrushchev, to be used as an advertisement. Find away, mindless zombies!

So, until we meet again, blogees, may the wasteland of the internet be prosperous for your persons.

March 13, 2009 Posted by | Europe, Generic Ramblings | , , , , , , | 4 Comments