Compound interest is boring!

Compound interest is boring exhibits satisfiability. ~ Exvirgin, 2010

And all of a Sudan it returns

Aren’t I wonderful?

In the approximate period I’ve been gone, the following searches have linked here:

Search Views
crimean war 16
andropov 12
“empire goodness” russian movie 10
aeroplane 7
“analytical wiki 5
crimean war pictures 3
explain the history of compound interest 3
ayatollah 2
happy birthday to you baboons 2
baboons stealing 2
andropov photo 2
cambodia gay 2
emperor napoleon 2
khomeini sean canry 2
mussolini glabal warming 2
crimean war charge of the light brigade 2
hitler moustache 2
mussolini with pope 2
piano sayings 2
crimean war jokes 2
anglo-american relations improve 2
gordon brown 2 2
prince leka albania 2
rus comics 2
khrushchev mad 1
connery,gay 1
sonia gandhi mussolini 1
all images of richard nixon 1
crimean jokes 1
crossdresser doing housework 1
portraits of kruschev 1
presidents of the united states with gla 1
richard nixon piano 1
boring north korea 1
crossdresser parties in england 1
partido revolucionário institucional 1
welcome 1
the triforce of dinner 1
awesome moustache 1
cambodia’s king and queen 1
crossdresser nate 1
nixon in peru 1
mussolini and kim jung-il 1
compound interest poem 1
one legged cowboy 1
wordpress compound interest 1
analytical wiki 1
pictures of angry baboons 1
hitler and stalin 1

Isn’t that most exciting?

Search Views
crimean war 16
andropov 12
“empire goodness” russian movie 10
aeroplane 7
“analytical wiki 5
crimean war pictures 3
explain the history of compound interest 3
ayatollah 2
happy birthday to you baboons 2
baboons stealing 2
andropov photo 2
cambodia gay 2
emperor napoleon 2
khomeini sean canry 2
mussolini glabal warming 2
crimean war charge of the light brigade 2
hitler moustache 2
mussolini with pope 2
piano sayings 2
crimean war jokes 2
anglo-american relations improve 2
gordon brown 2 2
prince leka albania 2
rus comics 2
khrushchev mad 1
connery,gay 1
sonia gandhi mussolini 1
all images of richard nixon 1
crimean jokes 1
crossdresser doing housework 1
portraits of kruschev 1
presidents of the united states with gla 1
richard nixon piano 1
boring north korea 1
crossdresser parties in england 1
partido revolucionário institucional 1
welcome 1
the triforce of dinner 1
awesome moustache 1
cambodia’s king and queen 1
crossdresser nate 1
nixon in peru 1
mussolini and kim jung-il 1
compound interest poem 1
one legged cowboy 1
wordpress compound interest 1
analytical wiki 1
pictures of angry baboons 1
hitler and stalin 1

August 17, 2010 Posted by | From the management, Generic Ramblings, Idiocy, Political | , , , , | 8 Comments

The American Revolution was caused by British Colonisation of Mars

Many think that taxes caused the American Revolution, this is the case, but the British Claims, widely accepted, that taxes were for the maintenance of the defense of the American Colonies is outright piffle.

Why? You ask? Because the British had Colonies on Mars! It sounds ridiculous, but Canals can be seen on Mars, and what country was the most prolific builder of Canals? The English. And the English used their ridiculously high and obviously unjust taxes on Patriotic and Innocent Americans to fund their ridiculous Martian Project. What other reasons could there be? The British managed to hide this for over 130 years, but the faithful and noble Giovanni Schiaparelli was on the verge of discovering this, when he was crudely murdered by MI5. This cannot be doubted. He died on the Fourth of July 1910, and King Edward VII died on May 6th 1910. If we add the Day and Months together, both equal the number of 11! A coincidence? I think not!

Now, where does the Maori Party fit into this puzzle of interplanetary colonial intrigue. Well, after the British efforts to fund the Colonisation of Mars collapsed, they had to find a place to put the Colonists. And where better than the not yet colonised land of New Zealand, as the Maoris?

March 14, 2010 Posted by | Generic Ramblings, Idiocy, The Crusade!, THE TRUTH | , , , , , , , | 4 Comments

I am Nero, Lord of the Dance!

Well, there you have it. The Maori Party still refuses to contact me in return! Well, so be it! They have chosen their own downfall, and, my faithful blogees, we must hasten it! Rise up against this new and vicious tyranny hat is Political PArties not replying to emails, especially ones received from persons claimed to be Earls! Thusly, all willing parties should submit the data which can be found at this link, Divided we Stand, United we Fall, as King Leopold said not all that long ago!

And here is further proof of their indisputable evil!

Their party name contains Mao, and Mao Zedong is noted for the Great Leap Forwards and other moves which destroyed China’s industrial base and killed millions! Mao also contributes negatively to your Deng Shui energies!

They have five, yes, five members in the New Zealand house of representatives. And is it not so, faithful blogees, that five is the number of JUPITER, which is merely one planet away from SATURN, which sounds far too suspiciously like SATAN. Thusly, evil!

Cry ‘God for Harry, England, and Saint George!’ Carry on the crusade, dear friends, until the deed is done, and the evil destroyed!

Please note, this is not at all serious, merely jovial and light-hearted

To arms!

December 14, 2009 Posted by | Angry Rants, Generic Ramblings, Idiocy, Political, The Crusade!, THE TRUTH | , , , , , , , , | 1 Comment

Demonic liver grapes

Gordon Brown in his true form

So, that time of month, eh? When the werevolves come out (Or not, apparently, the Moon is actually in its Waning Crescent phase, which means it will soon be time for the New Moon, which is everyone‘s favourite novel, of course)

Regardless, this entire blog was for the purpose of presenting the above picture. The Loch NHS Monster. It will rise from the depths of lakes and socialise your medicine. There can not be a more hideous fate imaginable to mankind.  Obama’s support for socialised medicine proves he is in fact a Plesiosaur, and Plesiosaurs are not American! They come from the ocean! The Ocean is not America!

Regardless, it is the evening, and I away.


November 12, 2009 Posted by | Awesome, Europe, Generic Ramblings, Idiocy, Political, THE TRUTH | , , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

Behold, the Serpent is a Monsoon

Don't be fooled by the glasses. Andropov was in fact Ronald Reagan in disguise.

So, in 1982 Andropov was selected to be the General Secretary of the Soviet Union. What excitement indeed.

Regardless, Ronald Reagan was the President of the United States of America at the time, which is also irrelevant.

Ronald Reagan in his natural form, as Ronald Raygun

So, irreverence is the word of the day. Remember, don’t exacerbate your cats without parental supervision.

Goodnight and Toledo, Monsewers.

November 10, 2009 Posted by | Generic Ramblings, Idiocy, Sarko Stalin Surprise!, Surprise post!, Utterly Pointless | , , , , , , | Leave a comment

Where is Mexico?

Wordle: Compound Interest is Boring

Click on that and it contains a word tag cloud for my blog. What exictement!

So, University Exams are upon me, and I haven’t blogged much recently. I should be changing courses for next year, so all is fine.

Adios, Amigos! Until we meet again, in the land of the something or other.

November 7, 2009 Posted by | From the management, Generic Ramblings, Idiocy, Sarko Stalin Surprise!, Surprise post!, Utterly Pointless | , , , , , | Leave a comment

It’s almost World War One?

As regular Blogees (people who don’t visit at least 4 times a day suck, by the way) will no doubt have noticed, more than 1900 hits have been contracted by my blog, which means that if my number of blog hist were the year, it would be 1901, the year in which Australia became one nation, and Queen Victoria died. Thus, it is time for  a super-special blog. Which brings us to the epic poem, which I (your glorious proletarian blogger) wrote in Year 10 (featuring half-hearted attempts at rhyming, before degenerating into an epic free verse).

Poem of poems and places like Nome

This little poem,
Was written in Nome,
By a little green gnome,
Who lived in an orange dome.

That dome,
Somewhere in Nome,
Is possessed by,
The devil’s pet fly.

The previous two stanzas,
Do not involve panzers,
Have nothing to do with this poem,
And are all lies

Concocted by little green flies,
Who may use the Deutsche Mark,
But don’t live in Denmark

So we live on an Island,
Which is nowhere near Ireland,
But we don’t use the Deutsche Mark,

The Falklands are an archipelago situated in the southern Atlantic Ocean.
No one there can make a magic potion,
Unlike Harry Potter.
Or that pot plant that nearly knocked me unconscious.

As far as I know this poem has no deep spiritual meaning,
Or worshipped by green gnomes,
Which live in orange domes,
Who write nonsensical poems.

So on this island,
Which is not to be confused with Ireland,
Or Iceland or greenland or Scotland,
Or England or even Taumatawhakatangihangakoauauotamateapokaiwhenuakitanatahu.

So this is the end,
i won’t go to Tailem Bend,
I will go to Alaska,
Or maybe Nebraska.

It’s the longest place name in the world,
It tells a story about some Maori hero person,
And his nose flute.


As you can see, the younger version of myself was clearly insane (this has not changed very much, seemingly). It was actually submitted for an English Assignment, and it received a C.

October 6, 2009 Posted by | Awesome, From the management, Generic Ramblings, Idiocy, Quotation compilation, Songs, Utterly Pointless | , , , , , | 3 Comments


Of course they have. How can you deny that Muslims are one of the leading sources of Obesity?

Once more, I direct you to this. Unparralelled genius.

It’s actually remarkably like the actual Daily Mail.

Have some Ayatollah

Have some Ayatollah

August 27, 2009 Posted by | Awesome, Idiocy, Sarko Stalin Surprise!, THE TRUTH | , , | Leave a comment

Deng Shui

Deng is required to cleanse you of negative (Mao) energies.

Deng Shui is required to cleanse you of negative (Mao) energies.

Long ignored by the revisionist west, today I bring you one of the great secrets of the Orient.

What is Deng Shui?

Deng Shui is an ancient Chinese system of aesthetics believed to use the laws of both Economics and Totalitarianism to help one improve life by receiving positive Liu, through the placing of pictures of Deng Xiaoping throughout one’s home to ward off and cleanse oneself of negative (Mao) energies.

Named after the glorious leader of China, Deng Xiaoping, Deng Shui is essential for any person seeking to become a learned person, and is further essential for all who seek to ward off Mao spirits from their homes (Mao spirits are the leading cause of car crashes and cardiac arrests (Turnbull, 1463)).

The most supremely beneficial Deng Shui artefacts are Deng Fountains, sculpted in the glorious revolutionary image of Deng Xiaoping himself, second are Deng sculptures, as seen in many parts of China.

Deng Shui is absolutely essential if you are looking to better your life using secrets of the Orient.

August 21, 2009 Posted by | Awesome, Generic Ramblings, Idiocy, Sarko Stalin Surprise!, Secrets of the Orient, THE TRUTH, Utterly Pointless | , , , , , , , , , , | 3 Comments

Is it written in the stars?

Probably not, because stars do not make very good paper.



As none of you have no doubt inferred, that comes from the game Hearts of Iron.

ANNOUNCEMENT: Tonight I shall release my fabled Radio Script upon this blog, and all shall tremor at its mightiness.

July 30, 2009 Posted by | From the management, Idiocy, Surprise post! | , , , , | Leave a comment