Compound interest is boring!

Compound interest is boring exhibits satisfiability. ~ Exvirgin, 2010

Peruvian Anchovies of Doom

Meet the new enemy. Yes,the Maori Party have set up yet another front to drive unsuspecting innocents to their heinous cause. This time under the disguise of intelligent philosophical discourse. But we here at Compound Interest is Boring cannot be fooled by such rudimentary ruses. Oh no, we’re always one step ahead of the dreaded Maori Party collosus. Quick thinking saves the world, as they say. And thus, you all must join me in my noble quest to subtly inflitrate this Maori Party front, in order to root out their evil from the realm of philosophy.

It is a pity the most intelligent and well thought out site to appear in recent history is also a Maori Party front. But their influence can, and will be cleansed.

EDIT: The first counter-assault has been launched:

February 21, 2010 Posted by | News, Political, The Crusade! | , , , , | 2 Comments

Top Games of the 2000s

This is a little late, but this list required ungodly amounts of reserach and effort.

After such research, only two games of the entire decade will truly go down in history as unparalleled classics.

The first:

Rocket Power: Beach Bandits (Super Extreme Ultimate Shindig)

What a masterpiece. Unparralleled Gameplay, Unparalleled Plot, genius animation in cutscenes. It’s hard to find a game which comes close to this in terms of sheer brilliance and lasting impact on the gaming world. No respectable organisation could leave this out of its top games of the decade, let alone all time. Unfortunately, it has been supressed by the vicious and evil Maori Party.

Real Lives 2007

Another masterpiece. What is a game without dead people going to trade school, getting married, and having children? How can anyone bear to live without hordes of Rajivs running around? You have not experience full 3D gaming until you have experienced Real lives 2007. and it can be run on practically any computer! What professional coders they must have. Toiling away tirelessy to produce a masterpiece that will go down in time aliong the Mona Lisa, and the Arc de Triomphe. Truly stunning.

January 29, 2010 Posted by | Awesome, News, THE TRUTH | , , | 1 Comment

The plot thickens, much like soup

New evidence has come to light, which changes everything you have ever heard! My fellow Comrade in arms on my Crusade against the Maori Party, Kodauzhf McJim, the First Earl of New Mexico himself has received the following email from Repent America, after accusing them of being a front for the Maori Party.
Your Inquiry to Repent America‏
From: Heather Clark (
Sent: Mon 12/21/09 11:52 PM


Thank you for your inquiry. No, we are not in league with the Maori Party. We are evangelists and missionaries. We have no affiliations with any party; we are simply Christians who are being obedient to the Biblical mandate to go into all the world and preach the Gospel to every creature (Mark 16:15). We are people who genuinely care about the souls of men and do not want them to perish for eternity. As well, we believe God deserves respect and love, not rebellion, and so we call upon mankind to repent of their sins and to turn to Jesus Christ, God’s Son, who is able to change us from the inside out.

Sin is the breaking of God’s Law (1 John 3:4). It separates all men from God and brings eternal punishment, just like if one were to be found guilty in a natural court of law (Isaiah 59:2; Romans 6:23). We simply go into the public square and preach both Law and grace so that men may see their transgressions, repent of their sins, and that they may believe the Gospel. The Gospel is that Christ died to pay the penalty that we deserve for our Lawbreaking so that we may be forgiven and have a new nature that is free from the power of sin.

Kodauzhf, we hope this helps answer your question. We do appreciate your correspondence and hope that you will continue to visit our website as you are able. Since you have asked us a question, we would like to ask you one as well.  Please visit this page of our website if you have not done so already:

Thank you very much. It was great to hear from Belgium.

In Christ,

– Heather Clark

There you have it. I for one I have certainly been convinced. It’s nice to know that Fundamentalist Christians are nicer than New Zealand Political parties. A sad sign of the times, if there ever was one. However, when confronted with such an obvious and elementary statement by our friend, they waffle on about god! Jesus, Christians aren’t meant to do such things, are they? It’s unethical! It’s unbelievable. It’s inconceivable!

Until next time, your Glorious etcetera blogger.

December 30, 2009 Posted by | News, Political, The Crusade!, THE TRUTH | , | 1 Comment

Nobody expects the Portuguese Revolution!

So, today I blog about the most pressing issue to face mankind in the decades ahead. No, it isn’t the Global Right-Wing/Big Oil created conspiracy of Climate Change, nor is it the rise of Belgium as an unparalelled World Super Power, and the intimately related coming war between Peru and Iceland over Fishing rights in the Holy See (Kept hidden skillfuly by those monstrous Italians until now). It is an issue far more pressing. One of tantamount importance for the future of humanity around the world, and throughout the galaxy (Because we all know Martians are secretly Human too, they just don’t wish to tell us).  It is the fact that the most evil of all Political Machines, the most corrupt and blackhearted of all Political Parties, has refused to reply to my request for Information!

That’s right, the Maori Party of Aotearoa New Zealand has not replied to an email a sent them, through their contact us form on their website (See, it simply oozes evil! (As do most things in New Zealand,actually, but that is irrelevant)). Thusly, I urge all my most faithful blogees to stand up against his most malevolent injustice, and take up my call for arms! We demand answers, and we demand them now! Contact the Maori Party today and urge them to reveal what they spent those $48 dollars on in 2005! It is imperative we stand up for what we believe in, lest they trample on our rights further (they are behind Victoria’s recent about face on Abortion Laws, the fiends!).

Thankyou for reading this most urgent message of great import, and thankyou for taking action on it promptly,

Artist's impression of your Blogger

Your Glorious and Benevolent Proletarian Blogger

December 8, 2009 Posted by | From the management, News, Political, THE TRUTH | , , , | 1 Comment



Astute blogees will have noticed that that is in fact Romanian instead of the usual Portuguese. Blame Google Translate, may it be ripped into shreds and thrown off a large cliff. WITH FIRE.

On another note, the 10th Anniversary of the attempted Coup failing has passed us by~ The blasted infidels have not dared trying again after the whipping they received. (Jingoism is awesome, by the way)

Seriously, it is just over 10 years since the Republic Referendum was defeated, by a fairly large margin, and with both Major Party leaders as republicans, still nothing is happening. What excitement. Behold! An interesting article.

And with that, I once more vanish into the abyss.

November 16, 2009 Posted by | News, Political | , , , , , , | Leave a comment

Half a league, Half a League, Half a league onward

That is a must watch video. A true represtation of the Crimean War, one of the seemingly most pointless wars in the 1850s. Which doesn’t say all that much. One of the largest is probably more accurate.

Heed the Man's words, he has children

What an awesome man he is, clearly. Bishops who break their vows deserve to be honoured, of course.

In other news, go Burnley!

November 14, 2009 Posted by | Awesome, Generic Ramblings, News, Utterly Pointless | , , , , , | Leave a comment


Sorry for the absence, my internet has been really slow and unstable.

Have some Baboons, I hope.

Source: Baboons steal underwear from rooftop luggage



July 22, 2009 Posted by | Awesome, From the management, Generic Ramblings, News, Utterly Pointless | , , | Leave a comment

Nonsense persists!

Obama Might have forged his birth certificate.

Such rumours have been around for ages. Why don’t they just go away? It’s rather silly that some people still insist on believing ridiulous things just because they don’t want Obama as their president.

It’s a conspiracy!

Anyway, the rule is ridiculous. Schwarznegger would make a good President, I think, as would many other foreign born Americans. It’s racism, basically.



Ridiculous people. Obama is not some conspiracy to turn the US into a theocracy.

June 18, 2009 Posted by | Angry Rants, Generic Ramblings, News, Political | , | 1 Comment


So, things are crazy on the Korean Peninsula.

Lots of excitement involving Nuclear Weapons and Missiles and such.

North Korea is talking big, but probably won’t attack South Korea or the US outright, although the possibility cannot be ruled out.

The world seems a little screwed up right now.

June 17, 2009 Posted by | Generic Ramblings, News | , , , | Leave a comment


Well, apparently a New swine flu vaccine has been made by ethical means, a pro-life group has affirmed.

It’s crazy that people would consider not getting vaccinated against a disease if the vaccine was made from stem cells which came from aborted feotuses.

Meanwhile, Swine Flu continues its rapid spread. Ensnaring us all in a web of evil, and sore throats.

The spread of SWINE FLU!

The spread of SWINE FLU!

Swine Flu has obviously been caused by Atheism.

So I call on all atheists to renounce their sinful ways and worship our savior, Christ.


June 17, 2009 Posted by | Generic Ramblings, News, Political | , , , , | Leave a comment