Compound interest is boring!

Compound interest is boring exhibits satisfiability. ~ Exvirgin, 2010

And all of a Sudan it returns

Aren’t I wonderful?

In the approximate period I’ve been gone, the following searches have linked here:

Search Views
crimean war 16
andropov 12
“empire goodness” russian movie 10
aeroplane 7
“analytical wiki 5
crimean war pictures 3
explain the history of compound interest 3
ayatollah 2
happy birthday to you baboons 2
baboons stealing 2
andropov photo 2
cambodia gay 2
emperor napoleon 2
khomeini sean canry 2
mussolini glabal warming 2
crimean war charge of the light brigade 2
hitler moustache 2
mussolini with pope 2
piano sayings 2
crimean war jokes 2
anglo-american relations improve 2
gordon brown 2 2
prince leka albania 2
rus comics 2
khrushchev mad 1
connery,gay 1
sonia gandhi mussolini 1
all images of richard nixon 1
crimean jokes 1
crossdresser doing housework 1
portraits of kruschev 1
presidents of the united states with gla 1
richard nixon piano 1
boring north korea 1
crossdresser parties in england 1
partido revolucionário institucional 1
welcome 1
the triforce of dinner 1
awesome moustache 1
cambodia’s king and queen 1
crossdresser nate 1
nixon in peru 1
mussolini and kim jung-il 1
compound interest poem 1
one legged cowboy 1
wordpress compound interest 1
analytical wiki 1
pictures of angry baboons 1
hitler and stalin 1

Isn’t that most exciting?

Search Views
crimean war 16
andropov 12
“empire goodness” russian movie 10
aeroplane 7
“analytical wiki 5
crimean war pictures 3
explain the history of compound interest 3
ayatollah 2
happy birthday to you baboons 2
baboons stealing 2
andropov photo 2
cambodia gay 2
emperor napoleon 2
khomeini sean canry 2
mussolini glabal warming 2
crimean war charge of the light brigade 2
hitler moustache 2
mussolini with pope 2
piano sayings 2
crimean war jokes 2
anglo-american relations improve 2
gordon brown 2 2
prince leka albania 2
rus comics 2
khrushchev mad 1
connery,gay 1
sonia gandhi mussolini 1
all images of richard nixon 1
crimean jokes 1
crossdresser doing housework 1
portraits of kruschev 1
presidents of the united states with gla 1
richard nixon piano 1
boring north korea 1
crossdresser parties in england 1
partido revolucionário institucional 1
welcome 1
the triforce of dinner 1
awesome moustache 1
cambodia’s king and queen 1
crossdresser nate 1
nixon in peru 1
mussolini and kim jung-il 1
compound interest poem 1
one legged cowboy 1
wordpress compound interest 1
analytical wiki 1
pictures of angry baboons 1
hitler and stalin 1

August 17, 2010 Posted by | From the management, Generic Ramblings, Idiocy, Political | , , , , | 8 Comments

There is not enough Batman on my Hamburger

Sorry for the absence, but I have been too busy listening to music, and with a now abandoned Tumblr, and I also haven’t been bothered resetting my password, which was forgotten for the fourteen thousandth time.

The irregular schedule of blogging appeals to me greatly. I can post twice a week and no one will particularly care.

With Tumblr, there seems to be a pressure to post regularly and often. In short, Tumblr is not very good, and users of it should be chucked into a barrel of cats (for that is the solution to all criminal activities).

Have a random photo of the 33rd Regiment of Foot, famous for being in the Sharpe series of novels, by Bernard Cornwell (The series is brilliant, as are most things written by this man), and also for once being under the command of one Colonel Arthur Wellesley, who would of course later become Lord Wellington, of Waterloo fame.

In other news, I was shocked today to find two people who didn’t know where Chattanooga is. It’s abhorrent that people have no idea where random cities are. (Chattanooga is located in the American State of Tennessee (what an odd spelling), home of Country Music and Al Gore (look out for an Al Gore/Dance related blog, coming your way soon!)).

Anyway, until some other time, when I can be bothered resetting my password once more, good evening to you precious blogees, fellower adventurers throw the passageways of the internet (invented by Al Gore, of course).

September 30, 2009 Posted by | Awesome, From the management, Generic Ramblings, Surprise post! | , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , | 3 Comments

Welcome to July!

Sorry about my absence from blogging, I have been away, and other things have happened.

Also, happy birthday to Big Ben for yesterday, 150 years old.

That’s all for now, stay tuned for more exciting updates later.

July 12, 2009 Posted by | From the management, Generic Ramblings, Surprise post! | , , , , | Leave a comment

Sorry about my absence…

I have had a rather busy few days.

I might blog again this evening, even.

I’m sure you’d all enjoy that.

April 18, 2009 Posted by | Surprise post!, Utterly Pointless | , , , , | 1 Comment