Compound interest is boring!

Compound interest is boring exhibits satisfiability. ~ Exvirgin, 2010


So, things are crazy on the Korean Peninsula.

Lots of excitement involving Nuclear Weapons and Missiles and such.

North Korea is talking big, but probably won’t attack South Korea or the US outright, although the possibility cannot be ruled out.

The world seems a little screwed up right now.

June 17, 2009 Posted by | Generic Ramblings, News | , , , | Leave a comment

“Death to potatoes!”

What excitement, Ahmedinejad is attempting to bribe people with potatoes.

“Why not onions? Onions are far more expensive than potatoes. If they really wanted to help, they would give away free onions.” So say someone’s advisor. Sensible policy decisions in a sensible country.

Two blogs in one day? What madness is this?, you say.

Well, have a pleasant evening, persons.

May 15, 2009 Posted by | Political, Surprise post! | , , , , | Leave a comment

A dog on an ATV is hardly going to be able to help anyone.

Ireland, Scotland and Wales are occupied by England and are welcome to free themselves of its yoke.

Ha, crazy communists.

Anywho;  Hooray~!

Stuff the Argentines, they ain’t getting the Falklands.

That’s another thing I arbitrarily feel strongly about.

Hooray for Gords~.

March 29, 2009 Posted by | Generic Ramblings, Political, Utterly Pointless | , , , , , , | Leave a comment

Transvestite moustache people, go away

Seriously, one of the three searches that has led here was for crossdressing moustache.

What kind of creepy fetish is that?

Anyway, Botswana.

The fish is correct, yo.

There are lots of Protestants in Botswana.

Those people are really quite stupid.

I mean, really. ‘Let’s bash up police and nationalise EVERYTHING IN EXISTENCE .’

Next time I see someone handing out Green-Left newspapers I’m going to get one, and blog about it. They look as if they’re full of laughs.

A quote; “While two million are now out of work in Britain alone, the G20 ministers still resist nationalising the banks, instead continuing to pour trillions into the black hole of bankers’ bad gambling debts.”

Seriously, nationalising solves nothing. It creates so many problems. It makes companies inefficient, it may create more jobs in the short term, but in the long term, it stifles economic growth, productivity and the like.

Anyway, sorry for the rant, I just hate people who protest about things that don’t make any sense to protest about. Globalisation is not a bad thing, sure it has its bad points, but how can lifting people from poverty not work out for the best in the long term. Think Botswana.

Anywho, guten nacht, blogees.

March 25, 2009 Posted by | Angry Rants, Generic Ramblings, Political | , , , , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment


I know I promised some Mussolini, but I need a poem espousing his brilliance, for translation into portuguese.

And so, I give you some Sarkozy, to fill the time until then.

The translation is a bit inaccurate, I think, but the gist can still be extracted.

France is back in Nato’s military command. This is rather good, yes?

Apparently someone has accessed my blog through ‘the Google’. But their search term would yield little else.

‘We are willing to put troops on the ground, but it’s too much to risk generals going to committees.” Who can possibly disagree with such wit from Sarko?

Have some Sarko related links.

Enjoy your day, and carry on thinking of Sarkozy.

P.S. Also, blogees, how do I change the scale of images in MS Paint? I AM NOT GETTING PHOTOSHOP, by the way.

P.P.S. If you have a crap monitor, 22″ and below, you can always right click upon the images and click copy image location or link location, and view them as such. This is for Firefox, I know not if such things can occur with internet Explorer.

March 17, 2009 Posted by | Europe, Generic Ramblings, Quotation compilation, Surprise post! | , , , , | Leave a comment

Do you wish to go to ‘Le Yorkshire’?

Haha, the French do so enjoy Le Yorkshire.
So says the BBC.

Adelaide looks quite nice at night, specifically North Terrace and Rundle Mall, all so spectacular and somewhat deserted.

Ah yes, dearest comrade Kim, a variant of the picture has been put up before.

Mussolini shall feature in the next update, and by popular demand, more Prince Phillip will arrive sometime tomorrow.

So, the BNP are crapheads, I quote their mission statement: “The BNP has moved on in recent years, casting off the leg-irons of conspiracy theories and the thinly veiled anti-semitism which has held this party back for two decades. The real enemies of the British people are home grown Anglo-Saxon Celtic liberal-leftists … and the Crescent Horde – the endless wave of Islamics who are flocking to our shores to bring our island nations into the embrace of their barbaric desert religion.”

Who would vote for such people?

Apparently 0.7% of the UK’s population, which is about the same percentage as voted for the Democrats here last election.

The UKIP is much better, but still crap. Damn eurosceptics. Who could possibly resist the lure of Sarkozy?

He is much better than Chirac, Chirac was an incredible moron.

He’s probably my favourite European leader.

Monday Uni is so very boring, my assignment for one of my classes is 50% referencing in the marks scheme. That’s rubbish, and apparently the textbook is utterly useless.

Well, enjoy your evenings blogees, and tomorrow I should have the two aforementioned posts, plus one general picture spam.

March 16, 2009 Posted by | Europe, Generic Ramblings | , , , , , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

How long have you been a French Canadian?

So, blogees, I’ve decided to diversify a little, and not just have a constant stream of Propaganda images, there will be one in every blog, and a fairly regular update full of them.

However, I will retain my vague promise not to discuss my life in detail. My mission is to amuse. And amuse I shall.

This diversification will probably just wind up as me attacking you with amusing things, like Stalin vs Martians and such. Haha, Robin Hood was actually a bit of an arse. Who’d have thought thievery could possibly be bad?

Anyway, I’m off for some Exciting Empire goodness. Enjoy your pitiful lives, dearest blogees.

March 14, 2009 Posted by | Generic Ramblings, Surprise post! | , , , , | Leave a comment

Quotations, forsooth!

Eh, a special segment, in which I will dump amusing quotations I have unearthed in the previous day or so.

America is the ENTIRE western hemisphere. ~ Wikipedia editor, on the Talk:America article. Portugal, Spain, Andorra and Ireland have arbitrarily shifted continent. Why was I not informed?

Sometimes plants can sense your impatience. They don’t answer to human desires. ~ Laurie Taylor, on an article on the BBC.

This will probably be updated throughout the day, and I may compile an archive of quotations at some point.

Fare the well, fellow travellers.

EDIT: Damn, forgot picture again.

March 13, 2009 Posted by | Quotation compilation, Surprise post! | , , , | Leave a comment