Compound interest is boring!

Compound interest is boring exhibits satisfiability. ~ Exvirgin, 2010

Squadallah! Nós estamos fora!

Those things are annoying, really. And give me this post’s title.

Anyway, picture time!

What sort of man talks to cheese?

Ah, doesn’t Kim Jong-Il look much improved in odd colours? And with arbitrary Portuguese writing upon it?

And now, the original picture, which I don’t think I’ve put on here yet.

Such a true statement, no one can escape its truth. It seeps into your body and devours you.

Well, it has been suggested that I put posters for this site around the place, so here is the advertisement, it’s bloody big, by the way., and I have no idea where it has gone off to. Damn WordPress. I’ll get you some day, if it’s the last thing I do.

Aha, It’s an attachment, crazy crap.

So, all hail the glorious Kim Il-Sung, and such? Expect an update later today, perhaps. I’ll update whenever I feel like it, really. In fact, if this goes like the last two, I’ll have a brilliant Idea and end up posting again in five minutes or so.

You may also have noticed the change in the sub heading/tag line. It is much better now, I feel.

Also, today I expect to break the all important 100 views barrier, so keep checking back.

Until next time, Fearless Readers! (Ten points if you get the reference.)

P.S. Give me some pictures, my supply is dwindling, and I don’t want to overuse paintings from the Peninsula War! And I apologise for the lack of Khrushchev, I couldn’t think of anything exciting to attach to his photograph.

March 13, 2009 Posted by | Generic Ramblings | , , , , | 1 Comment

Surprise Post!

I apologise for the update spamming, but a couple of marvellous things appeared which required the attention of my blog.

Enjoy your day, my precious blogees.

March 11, 2009 Posted by | Surprise post! | , , | Leave a comment