Compound interest is boring!

Compound interest is boring exhibits satisfiability. ~ Exvirgin, 2010

The American Revolution was caused by British Colonisation of Mars

Many think that taxes caused the American Revolution, this is the case, but the British Claims, widely accepted, that taxes were for the maintenance of the defense of the American Colonies is outright piffle.

Why? You ask? Because the British had Colonies on Mars! It sounds ridiculous, but Canals can be seen on Mars, and what country was the most prolific builder of Canals? The English. And the English used their ridiculously high and obviously unjust taxes on Patriotic and Innocent Americans to fund their ridiculous Martian Project. What other reasons could there be? The British managed to hide this for over 130 years, but the faithful and noble Giovanni Schiaparelli was on the verge of discovering this, when he was crudely murdered by MI5. This cannot be doubted. He died on the Fourth of July 1910, and King Edward VII died on May 6th 1910. If we add the Day and Months together, both equal the number of 11! A coincidence? I think not!

Now, where does the Maori Party fit into this puzzle of interplanetary colonial intrigue. Well, after the British efforts to fund the Colonisation of Mars collapsed, they had to find a place to put the Colonists. And where better than the not yet colonised land of New Zealand, as the Maoris?

March 14, 2010 Posted by | Generic Ramblings, Idiocy, The Crusade!, THE TRUTH | , , , , , , , | 4 Comments

A Gondola in Venice


March 30, 2009 Posted by | Surprise post!, Utterly Pointless | , , , , , , | Leave a comment