Compound interest is boring!

Compound interest is boring exhibits satisfiability. ~ Exvirgin, 2010

Apart from the Chileans, it was an optimal example of Post-Colonial Namibia.

So, once more unto the breach, as they say in dear old England.

Apparently Exvirgin does read this blog, or has, because some things mentioned in the comments of the March of the Bourgeoisie quite excitingly wound up as articles on Analytical Wiki. Amazing, isn’t it?

In the mean time, the question of who Sherline/Maori Party Member (who use the same Email address) are continues to hang over our heads, much like that Sword in that story.

You heard the man.

March 20, 2010 Posted by | Analytical Wiki | , , , , , | 5 Comments

1500 visits!

Obligatory picture

Obligatory picture

To celebrate 1500 visits to my blog, I give you the most frequent search terms which have led people to my most exciting blog

As can be seen, many searches involve North Korea. My personal favourites, however are “french noses” and “crossdressing moustache”. There are strange people on the internet. Even stranger than me.

Search Views
compound interest is boring 5
kill north korea 4
north korea will kill us all 3
mussolini and kim jong-il 2
stalin martians 1
jeremias 18:11-12 1
comund@ de mensagens etc & tal 1
compounded interest 1
crossdressing moustache 1
the koreans are going to kill us all 1
games compound interest 1
cowboys fight 1
french noses 1
crimean war jokes 1
compoundinterestisboring 1
king leka 1
forli, italia 1
kim jong-il compound 1
spread of swine flue 1
what happening in tehran 1
compound interest and kids and games onl 1
is north korea going to kill us 1
can north korea kill us 1
north korea will kill us? 1
will korea kill us all 1
compound interest games 1

June 25, 2009 Posted by | Awesome, From the management, Generic Ramblings | , , , , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

Transvestite moustache people, go away

Seriously, one of the three searches that has led here was for crossdressing moustache.

What kind of creepy fetish is that?

Anyway, Botswana.

The fish is correct, yo.

There are lots of Protestants in Botswana.

Those people are really quite stupid.

I mean, really. ‘Let’s bash up police and nationalise EVERYTHING IN EXISTENCE .’

Next time I see someone handing out Green-Left newspapers I’m going to get one, and blog about it. They look as if they’re full of laughs.

A quote; “While two million are now out of work in Britain alone, the G20 ministers still resist nationalising the banks, instead continuing to pour trillions into the black hole of bankers’ bad gambling debts.”

Seriously, nationalising solves nothing. It creates so many problems. It makes companies inefficient, it may create more jobs in the short term, but in the long term, it stifles economic growth, productivity and the like.

Anyway, sorry for the rant, I just hate people who protest about things that don’t make any sense to protest about. Globalisation is not a bad thing, sure it has its bad points, but how can lifting people from poverty not work out for the best in the long term. Think Botswana.

Anywho, guten nacht, blogees.

March 25, 2009 Posted by | Angry Rants, Generic Ramblings, Political | , , , , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

Tsar Sickleface to the rescue!

Hitler versus Stalin.

Need I say more?

March 15, 2009 Posted by | Generic Ramblings | , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

Eu sou um gigante torradeira!

Today’s title image. Why it says what it does, I don’t know. Boredom does strange things.

Today in the paper there was an advertisement desiring a cross-dresser. This was creepy. It had no further information, really. (No, I’m not going to act upon that ad.)

Hitler is strange. Why would he say such things?

I think i’ll start saving things as .pngs, the quality of the writing in my current format, .jpg is sup-par.

Khrushchev is certainly angry, and rather long winded.

Anyway, from the horse’s mouth (name removed):
The hot psychic can do the housework when the transsexual gets tired~!
Or crossdresser rather

Does he not have an awesome moustache?

This post seems very picture heavy.

Oh dear readers, what do you think the optimum number of pictures is?

Also, I wonder if any Portuguese speaking people have read my blog? If not, why not? Clearly everyone should link spam it, so some poor innocent Portuguese people stumble across it, and become mightily confused by its awesomeness.

And are there any irregular segments that can be added? Saturdays are Khrushchev night? Things such as that?

And no, I will not blog about my life, it’s horribly boring, and involves accounting. Eugh. Though Lamb Yiros pizza is wonderful~.

Until tomorrow, dearest stalkers, I bid you goodnight.

March 12, 2009 Posted by | Generic Ramblings | , , , , , , | 2 Comments