Compound interest is boring!

Compound interest is boring exhibits satisfiability. ~ Exvirgin, 2010

I’ll put the North back in Northern Ireland!

As opposed to putting the Ire back in the Republic of Ireland. Or the pub back in the Republic of Ireland. Or the way back in Norway. Or the Den back in Sweden. Or the Eric back in the United States of Canada. Or the Can back in Canada (that sounds ridiculous like a political slogan). Or the Octopus back is Australia (Was there ever an Octopus in Australia, you ask? Well surely you’ve all been to an aquarium at some point…).

(Found here, which is a quite excellent place)

Replace Britannia and Columbia with a Minister and that looks suspiciously like a marriage ceremony.

Regardless, the turn around in Anglo-American relations in the (particularly late) 19th century is quite amazing. It was sealed by the entry of the USA into World War I, which, despite the mass incompetence of the US Army’s leaders, was a massive Morale boost for the allies. It was still a close run thing, though.

I want a laser eyed sphinx. What I would use it for, that shall be left open for guessing.

October 1, 2009 Posted by | Generic Ramblings, Sarko Stalin Surprise!, Utterly Pointless | , , , , , , | Leave a comment

Historical massacres are a must have

He’s a one-legged arachnophobic cowboy on a search for his missing sister. She’s a bloodthirsty wisecracking detective from beyond the grave They fight crime!

A friend found this, and it is amusing.

Anywho, picture spam time.

Indeed, the BNP improves everything.

Haha, that comes from a stupid joke, along the lines of

“Knock Knock”

“Who’s there?”

“The Crimean War”

Laughter follows.

Along the lines of that image;

Most youtube poop is bad.

And now, after a conspicuous absence, the return of Khrushchev!

All rejoice.

Enjoy the rest of your evening, dearest blogees.

More may be posted this evening if I get bored, but don’t hold your breath.

P.S. The Crimean War joke is actually excellent. I was joking when I stated it was crap.

March 17, 2009 Posted by | Generic Ramblings | , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment