Compound interest is boring!

Compound interest is boring exhibits satisfiability. ~ Exvirgin, 2010

Will You Dilmahrry Me

Long time no see? Or rather long time see, as the Vatican still exists…

So, after finding a ‘DILMAH SPECIAL GREEN TEA GREEN TEA NATURAL LARGE LEAF GREEN TEA LEAF TEA 200G NET 7.05OZ’ without a location for where it was produced, they were emailed.

Dear Esteemed Sir or Madam,

Does not inform me on the box where it is from! It merely says packed in Sri Lanka from imported tea.
This causes me much anguish, and is affecting my ability to sleep at night.
I would most appreciate it if you informed me where this product was made so my sleep pattern can return to normal.

Yours sincerely, Kodauzhf McJim.

After a long and arduous wait, full of sleepless nights and days, a response was received.

Dear Kodauzhf,

Greetings from Sri Lanka.

Dilmah green tea is imported from China, the largest producer of green tea. Just as much as Ceylon is famous for its black tea, China is known for its green tea. China being a huge country, produces green tea in various provinces, and sometimes, there are variations in their cup colour. However its benefits do not change. Recently we identified a tea garden owner in China who tied up with us to supply an very good quality of green tea which we are now distributing, very light in colour. The important aspect of green tea is that it is the most natural form of tea.

Thank you for choosing Dilmah

With kind regards,

Yours sincerely,

Anita Antonipillai.

Customer Care Division.

I am glad they took my concerns so seriously, and restored the balance to my life.
Have a picture.
The Mona Lisa

December 9, 2011 Posted by | Generic Ramblings | , , , | 1 Comment

And all of a Sudan it returns

Aren’t I wonderful?

In the approximate period I’ve been gone, the following searches have linked here:

Search Views
crimean war 16
andropov 12
“empire goodness” russian movie 10
aeroplane 7
“analytical wiki 5
crimean war pictures 3
explain the history of compound interest 3
ayatollah 2
happy birthday to you baboons 2
baboons stealing 2
andropov photo 2
cambodia gay 2
emperor napoleon 2
khomeini sean canry 2
mussolini glabal warming 2
crimean war charge of the light brigade 2
hitler moustache 2
mussolini with pope 2
piano sayings 2
crimean war jokes 2
anglo-american relations improve 2
gordon brown 2 2
prince leka albania 2
rus comics 2
khrushchev mad 1
connery,gay 1
sonia gandhi mussolini 1
all images of richard nixon 1
crimean jokes 1
crossdresser doing housework 1
portraits of kruschev 1
presidents of the united states with gla 1
richard nixon piano 1
boring north korea 1
crossdresser parties in england 1
partido revolucionário institucional 1
welcome 1
the triforce of dinner 1
awesome moustache 1
cambodia’s king and queen 1
crossdresser nate 1
nixon in peru 1
mussolini and kim jung-il 1
compound interest poem 1
one legged cowboy 1
wordpress compound interest 1
analytical wiki 1
pictures of angry baboons 1
hitler and stalin 1

Isn’t that most exciting?

Search Views
crimean war 16
andropov 12
“empire goodness” russian movie 10
aeroplane 7
“analytical wiki 5
crimean war pictures 3
explain the history of compound interest 3
ayatollah 2
happy birthday to you baboons 2
baboons stealing 2
andropov photo 2
cambodia gay 2
emperor napoleon 2
khomeini sean canry 2
mussolini glabal warming 2
crimean war charge of the light brigade 2
hitler moustache 2
mussolini with pope 2
piano sayings 2
crimean war jokes 2
anglo-american relations improve 2
gordon brown 2 2
prince leka albania 2
rus comics 2
khrushchev mad 1
connery,gay 1
sonia gandhi mussolini 1
all images of richard nixon 1
crimean jokes 1
crossdresser doing housework 1
portraits of kruschev 1
presidents of the united states with gla 1
richard nixon piano 1
boring north korea 1
crossdresser parties in england 1
partido revolucionário institucional 1
welcome 1
the triforce of dinner 1
awesome moustache 1
cambodia’s king and queen 1
crossdresser nate 1
nixon in peru 1
mussolini and kim jung-il 1
compound interest poem 1
one legged cowboy 1
wordpress compound interest 1
analytical wiki 1
pictures of angry baboons 1
hitler and stalin 1

August 17, 2010 Posted by | From the management, Generic Ramblings, Idiocy, Political | , , , , | 8 Comments

One which has the highest probability is the most probable outcome.

The Collected Works of Sivashanmugam. Invariantology is particularly informative.

The title is an excerpt from invariantology, the real highlight of the collection. A true modern masterpiece on par with Shakespeare.

There are more works other than the core texts linked above. Even some videos! This is truly a treasure trove. Greater than even the tomb of Tutankhamen.

This leaves us with just one question, WHO THE HELL IS ANNA JUSTIN? And who is Soundarya Nayaki? And why have they responded to two of my blog posts?

April 24, 2010 Posted by | Analytical Wiki, Generic Ramblings, The Crusade!, THE TRUTH, Utterly Pointless | , | 7 Comments

Lo and behold!

An incredibly apt metaphor, don’t you think?

April 14, 2010 Posted by | Awesome, Sarko Stalin Surprise!, Surprise post!, Utterly Pointless | , , , , , | 5 Comments

Apart from the Chileans, it was an optimal example of Post-Colonial Namibia.

So, once more unto the breach, as they say in dear old England.

Apparently Exvirgin does read this blog, or has, because some things mentioned in the comments of the March of the Bourgeoisie quite excitingly wound up as articles on Analytical Wiki. Amazing, isn’t it?

In the mean time, the question of who Sherline/Maori Party Member (who use the same Email address) are continues to hang over our heads, much like that Sword in that story.

You heard the man.

March 20, 2010 Posted by | Analytical Wiki | , , , , , | 5 Comments

The Great Wall is the only man-made structure to be visible when one lies down on the Great Wall of China

My, that’s a long title, and irrelevant, and quite possibly innaccurate, depending on how ones lies down on said wall.

As the more observant of you will have noticed, someone claiming to be the All-Powerful Overlord of the Universe, Sivashanmugam, has commented upon two of my recent blog posts. The authenticity of this claim is in question, and a team of crack investigators may or may not have been hired to investigate this claim. Current indications are of a cold front approaching the Maldives, once and for all dispelling the Oil Company created rumours of Global Warming.

Indeed, further evidence has come to light. This monstrosity appears to have first reared its ugly head on Uncyclopedia, of all places, leading one to the obvious conclusion. UNCYCLOPEDIA IS A HIVE OF MAORI PARTY ACTIVITY AND MUST BE QUASHED AT ALL COSTS! ONWARDS AND UPWARDS!

March 3, 2010 Posted by | Analytical Wiki, Generic Ramblings, The Crusade!, THE TRUTH | , , , | 4 Comments

The Empire Strikes Back

Bad news. Sivashanmugam, the Maori party’s faithful puppet, has mangled the glorious revolutionary edits made to Analytical Wiki in the name of science!

He has even infiltrated NationStates, one of the last refuges of non-Maori Party people. Heretical!

Although the Peruvian Anchovies of Doom article retains some amusement value.

Still, to arms, my friends, to arms!

February 22, 2010 Posted by | Analytical Wiki, The Crusade! | , , | 2 Comments

Peruvian Anchovies of Doom

Meet the new enemy. Yes,the Maori Party have set up yet another front to drive unsuspecting innocents to their heinous cause. This time under the disguise of intelligent philosophical discourse. But we here at Compound Interest is Boring cannot be fooled by such rudimentary ruses. Oh no, we’re always one step ahead of the dreaded Maori Party collosus. Quick thinking saves the world, as they say. And thus, you all must join me in my noble quest to subtly inflitrate this Maori Party front, in order to root out their evil from the realm of philosophy.

It is a pity the most intelligent and well thought out site to appear in recent history is also a Maori Party front. But their influence can, and will be cleansed.

EDIT: The first counter-assault has been launched:

February 21, 2010 Posted by | News, Political, The Crusade! | , , , , | 2 Comments

An update

Has anyone else noted that the Email sent to me from Repent America was from a person named Heather Clark? Well, the former Prime Minister of New Zealand was Helen Clark, and New Zealand is the place where many Maoris live. A coincidence? I think not! The similarities between the name Heather and Helen and too obvious to be coincidental!

Also, Heather is a mere one letter away from HEATHEN! The evidence compounds. The Maori Party’s policy of ignorance cannot possibly weather this new revelation.

January 29, 2010 Posted by | The Crusade! | , , | Leave a comment

Top Games of the 2000s

This is a little late, but this list required ungodly amounts of reserach and effort.

After such research, only two games of the entire decade will truly go down in history as unparalleled classics.

The first:

Rocket Power: Beach Bandits (Super Extreme Ultimate Shindig)

What a masterpiece. Unparralleled Gameplay, Unparalleled Plot, genius animation in cutscenes. It’s hard to find a game which comes close to this in terms of sheer brilliance and lasting impact on the gaming world. No respectable organisation could leave this out of its top games of the decade, let alone all time. Unfortunately, it has been supressed by the vicious and evil Maori Party.

Real Lives 2007

Another masterpiece. What is a game without dead people going to trade school, getting married, and having children? How can anyone bear to live without hordes of Rajivs running around? You have not experience full 3D gaming until you have experienced Real lives 2007. and it can be run on practically any computer! What professional coders they must have. Toiling away tirelessy to produce a masterpiece that will go down in time aliong the Mona Lisa, and the Arc de Triomphe. Truly stunning.

January 29, 2010 Posted by | Awesome, News, THE TRUTH | , , | 1 Comment