Compound interest is boring!

Compound interest is boring exhibits satisfiability. ~ Exvirgin, 2010

Why The Metric System Is Gay

It occurs to me that this is an ex-blog, really. Its existence is minimal, if at all.


But it still gets a trickle of hits, mostly from people searching for ‘Feroze Gandhi’.

But sometimes, people come here with questions. Such as: ‘why the metric system is gay’, so, I thought I would kindly answer such queries, in case anyone ever has them again.

Question 1: ‘Why the metric system is gay?’

Answer: The Metric System does not exist. Thus, it cannot be gay.

Question 2: ‘Explain the history of compound interest?’

Answer: It all began long ago, in a time known as the Roman Empire. They did not like compound interest, and thus it was banned. In the Quran, we are instructed to ‘Devour not usury’. Even then, they recognised that eating nonphysical things is completely pointless. And then the Renaissance happened, and people realised that lending money could be good. Thus, compound interest was freed from the control of the International Jewish Conspiracy and remains the property of all today.

Question 3: ‘Where to buy large leaf dilmah green tea?’

Answer: Your local supermarket, I imagine. It’ll be in aisle 2.

Question 4: ‘What was mussolini’s interest?’

Answer: Judging by other search terms, the pope, crossdressing, Sonia Gandhi, Nixon, Obama, moustaches and Kim Jong-Il.

Question 5: ‘What is the triforce of dinner?’

Answer: Binging that phrase brings us this Youtube Video, which explains all.

Question 6: ‘What’s a poem about compound interest?’

Answer: As an ex-Archaeology student, I feel especially qualified to answer this inquiry.

Roses are Blue

Violets are Red

Compound interest exhibits satisfiability

And so does Lake Bled

June 28, 2012 Posted by | Generic Ramblings, Secrets of the Orient, Surprise post!, Utterly Pointless | , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

Hydraulic Leprechauns: The TRUTH!




Now, on a subject matter which you do not hear much about, HYDRAULIC LEPRECHAUNS. Not may people know that they are everywhere. It is not the zionists which control the world’s economy, but the Hydraulic Leprechauns. They lurk wherever environmentalists are, and eat them, thus removing the possibility of a solution to global warming. George Bush was one of them, and so is Ayatollah Khamenei. The electoral fraud in iran was perpetrated by Hydraulic Leprechauns. HITLER was in league with the Hydraulic Leprechauns, as were both Kim Jong-Il and Mussolini. They are behind all evil doings.  THEY KNOW WHERE YOU LIVE.

Rather, they are actually quite awesome, and misunderstood. Gogo Hydraulic Leprechauns!

June 25, 2009 Posted by | Angry Rants, Awesome, Idiocy, THE TRUTH | , , , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

1500 visits!

Obligatory picture

Obligatory picture

To celebrate 1500 visits to my blog, I give you the most frequent search terms which have led people to my most exciting blog

As can be seen, many searches involve North Korea. My personal favourites, however are “french noses” and “crossdressing moustache”. There are strange people on the internet. Even stranger than me.

Search Views
compound interest is boring 5
kill north korea 4
north korea will kill us all 3
mussolini and kim jong-il 2
stalin martians 1
jeremias 18:11-12 1
comund@ de mensagens etc & tal 1
compounded interest 1
crossdressing moustache 1
the koreans are going to kill us all 1
games compound interest 1
cowboys fight 1
french noses 1
crimean war jokes 1
compoundinterestisboring 1
king leka 1
forli, italia 1
kim jong-il compound 1
spread of swine flue 1
what happening in tehran 1
compound interest and kids and games onl 1
is north korea going to kill us 1
can north korea kill us 1
north korea will kill us? 1
will korea kill us all 1
compound interest games 1

June 25, 2009 Posted by | Awesome, From the management, Generic Ramblings | , , , , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment


Botswana is developing Nuclear weapons. Seriously. They are full of religious extremists, and are backed by North Korea and their PRESIDENT IS ACTUALLY MUSSOLINI’S GHOST!

THEIR ENTIRE POPULATION HAS KAISER BILL MOUSTACHES! Kim Jong Il regularly shops there! Richard Nixon lives there!

How could anyone possibly trust a country such as this?


A Jihad on Botswana!

Or not.

(This entire post is lies, and is me, amusing myself.)

June 24, 2009 Posted by | Angry Rants, Awesome, Idiocy, Surprise post!, Utterly Pointless | , , , , , , | Leave a comment

Superlative masterpiece

(Courtesy of

Benito Amilcare Andrea Moosolini, (29 de julho de 1883, Predappio, Forlì, Itália – 28 de abril de 1945, Giulino di Mezzegra, Itália) foi um político italiano, que levou o Partido Nacional Fascista e é creditado com sendo um dos principais dados na criação de fascismo.

June 5, 2009 Posted by | Awesome, Generic Ramblings | , , , , , | Leave a comment


June 4, 2009 Posted by | Awesome, Surprise post! | , , , | Leave a comment

Resistance is futile, apparently.

Right now I have strange mental images of Gordon Brown as the Borg Queen from Star Trek. It is rather disturbing in fact.

Gordon Brown + Tight-fitting bodysuit = Horrid.

I think enough has been said.


“Barack, I brought the olive oil.” Mussolini whispered seductively, his strong arms bulging with sweaty muscles.
Obama leaned back and grinned.
“Benito, we’ve talked about this. You’ve been dead since 1945.”
“Nothing can stand in the way of true love!”

As you can see, disturbing. TO THE MAX.

This man also posts my images, sometimes before, sometimes after me. Along with other lesser things. As well, the Mussolini x Obama nonsense is all his fault. ( Warning, contains slight amounts of nudity, it seems.)

My Blog is strictly PG.

May 21, 2009 Posted by | Europe, Generic Ramblings | , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

You’d sure make a good Frenchman, German, Italian or Greek!

O queijo é uma excelente fonte de energia – um pedaço de queijo em vez de uma bebida açucarada mantém você e seus dentes, sobre a ir todos os dias!

Ah, what a wonderful website and wonderful organisation.

There you go, sorry about yesterday’s lack of blog, but eh.

April 4, 2009 Posted by | Generic Ramblings, Political | , , , , | Leave a comment