Compound interest is boring!

Compound interest is boring exhibits satisfiability. ~ Exvirgin, 2010

Nobody expects the Portuguese Revolution!

So, today I blog about the most pressing issue to face mankind in the decades ahead. No, it isn’t the Global Right-Wing/Big Oil created conspiracy of Climate Change, nor is it the rise of Belgium as an unparalelled World Super Power, and the intimately related coming war between Peru and Iceland over Fishing rights in the Holy See (Kept hidden skillfuly by those monstrous Italians until now). It is an issue far more pressing. One of tantamount importance for the future of humanity around the world, and throughout the galaxy (Because we all know Martians are secretly Human too, they just don’t wish to tell us).  It is the fact that the most evil of all Political Machines, the most corrupt and blackhearted of all Political Parties, has refused to reply to my request for Information!

That’s right, the Maori Party of Aotearoa New Zealand has not replied to an email a sent them, through their contact us form on their website (See, it simply oozes evil! (As do most things in New Zealand,actually, but that is irrelevant)). Thusly, I urge all my most faithful blogees to stand up against his most malevolent injustice, and take up my call for arms! We demand answers, and we demand them now! Contact the Maori Party today and urge them to reveal what they spent those $48 dollars on in 2005! It is imperative we stand up for what we believe in, lest they trample on our rights further (they are behind Victoria’s recent about face on Abortion Laws, the fiends!).

Thankyou for reading this most urgent message of great import, and thankyou for taking action on it promptly,

Artist's impression of your Blogger

Your Glorious and Benevolent Proletarian Blogger

December 8, 2009 Posted by | From the management, News, Political, THE TRUTH | , , , | 1 Comment

Demonic liver grapes

Gordon Brown in his true form

So, that time of month, eh? When the werevolves come out (Or not, apparently, the Moon is actually in its Waning Crescent phase, which means it will soon be time for the New Moon, which is everyone‘s favourite novel, of course)

Regardless, this entire blog was for the purpose of presenting the above picture. The Loch NHS Monster. It will rise from the depths of lakes and socialise your medicine. There can not be a more hideous fate imaginable to mankind.  Obama’s support for socialised medicine proves he is in fact a Plesiosaur, and Plesiosaurs are not American! They come from the ocean! The Ocean is not America!

Regardless, it is the evening, and I away.


November 12, 2009 Posted by | Awesome, Europe, Generic Ramblings, Idiocy, Political, THE TRUTH | , , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment


Sorry for the absence, my internet has been really slow and unstable.

Have some Baboons, I hope.

Source: Baboons steal underwear from rooftop luggage



July 22, 2009 Posted by | Awesome, From the management, Generic Ramblings, News, Utterly Pointless | , , | Leave a comment

How long have you been a French Canadian?

So, blogees, I’ve decided to diversify a little, and not just have a constant stream of Propaganda images, there will be one in every blog, and a fairly regular update full of them.

However, I will retain my vague promise not to discuss my life in detail. My mission is to amuse. And amuse I shall.

This diversification will probably just wind up as me attacking you with amusing things, like Stalin vs Martians and such. Haha, Robin Hood was actually a bit of an arse. Who’d have thought thievery could possibly be bad?

Anyway, I’m off for some Exciting Empire goodness. Enjoy your pitiful lives, dearest blogees.

March 14, 2009 Posted by | Generic Ramblings, Surprise post! | , , , , | Leave a comment