Compound interest is boring!

Compound interest is boring exhibits satisfiability. ~ Exvirgin, 2010

There is not enough Batman on my Hamburger

Sorry for the absence, but I have been too busy listening to music, and with a now abandoned Tumblr, and I also haven’t been bothered resetting my password, which was forgotten for the fourteen thousandth time.

The irregular schedule of blogging appeals to me greatly. I can post twice a week and no one will particularly care.

With Tumblr, there seems to be a pressure to post regularly and often. In short, Tumblr is not very good, and users of it should be chucked into a barrel of cats (for that is the solution to all criminal activities).

Have a random photo of the 33rd Regiment of Foot, famous for being in the Sharpe series of novels, by Bernard Cornwell (The series is brilliant, as are most things written by this man), and also for once being under the command of one Colonel Arthur Wellesley, who would of course later become Lord Wellington, of Waterloo fame.

In other news, I was shocked today to find two people who didn’t know where Chattanooga is. It’s abhorrent that people have no idea where random cities are. (Chattanooga is located in the American State of Tennessee (what an odd spelling), home of Country Music and Al Gore (look out for an Al Gore/Dance related blog, coming your way soon!)).

Anyway, until some other time, when I can be bothered resetting my password once more, good evening to you precious blogees, fellower adventurers throw the passageways of the internet (invented by Al Gore, of course).

September 30, 2009 Posted by | Awesome, From the management, Generic Ramblings, Surprise post! | , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , | 3 Comments


No, seriously I am. They’re EVERYWHERE!

My blog is getting less and less hits, this is saddening.

The upcoming poster campaign shall solve this problem, I hope.

Sorry for the lack of real content, I’m not in a bloggy mood tonight.

I’m not sure whether that has been posted before, but SCREW YOU!

March 18, 2009 Posted by | Generic Ramblings | , , , | Leave a comment

If it has four legs and is not a chair

Tonight’s title comes from a quote by prince Phillip, the Duke of Edinburgh which goes like so;

If it has four legs and is not a chair, has wings and is not an aeroplane, or swims and is not a submarine, the Cantonese will eat it.

So, have some pictures, firstly Prince Phillip himself:

Such wise, wise words.

And now, an aeroplane, with the wisest words imaginable.

Correct, yes?

And now, some Emperor Napoleon;

Until we meet again, my precious blogees.

March 15, 2009 Posted by | Europe, Generic Ramblings, Quotation compilation | , , , , , , , | 2 Comments


That’s right. Stuff his actual title, he’s a Colonel in my heart~.

The truth, aren’t we all the spawn of dearest Arthur? Is his nose not the most noble you have ever seen?

How could Napoleon have possibly thought of fighting against a man with a nose like that? He was truly a mad man to think so.

I know I promised Bismarck to at least one person, but I could not unearth suitable pictures, so Khrushchev will have to suffice.

You heard the man! Heed his wise words. Because the number of exclamation marks is directly proportional to the amount of wisdom in a phrase.

So, what do you all think of Belgian Weather? Is it nice? Do i have any readers who have ventured into the low countries ever? Do I actually have any readers who I haven’t met in person?

I’d have more pictures, but I need more phrases to put on them. I’d like a shirt with the Chapeu picture upon it. That would be brilliant, no?

And now, on a suggestion:

Oh so tasteful, yes?

I feel I am blogging a little too regularly, but what else am I to do?

Anyway, I need a colour photo of Khrushchev, to be used as an advertisement. Find away, mindless zombies!

So, until we meet again, blogees, may the wasteland of the internet be prosperous for your persons.

March 13, 2009 Posted by | Europe, Generic Ramblings | , , , , , , | 4 Comments

Squadallah! Nós estamos fora!

Those things are annoying, really. And give me this post’s title.

Anyway, picture time!

What sort of man talks to cheese?

Ah, doesn’t Kim Jong-Il look much improved in odd colours? And with arbitrary Portuguese writing upon it?

And now, the original picture, which I don’t think I’ve put on here yet.

Such a true statement, no one can escape its truth. It seeps into your body and devours you.

Well, it has been suggested that I put posters for this site around the place, so here is the advertisement, it’s bloody big, by the way., and I have no idea where it has gone off to. Damn WordPress. I’ll get you some day, if it’s the last thing I do.

Aha, It’s an attachment, crazy crap.

So, all hail the glorious Kim Il-Sung, and such? Expect an update later today, perhaps. I’ll update whenever I feel like it, really. In fact, if this goes like the last two, I’ll have a brilliant Idea and end up posting again in five minutes or so.

You may also have noticed the change in the sub heading/tag line. It is much better now, I feel.

Also, today I expect to break the all important 100 views barrier, so keep checking back.

Until next time, Fearless Readers! (Ten points if you get the reference.)

P.S. Give me some pictures, my supply is dwindling, and I don’t want to overuse paintings from the Peninsula War! And I apologise for the lack of Khrushchev, I couldn’t think of anything exciting to attach to his photograph.

March 13, 2009 Posted by | Generic Ramblings | , , , , | 1 Comment

Venimus, Vidimus, Deus vicit!

Khrushcher denounces!

Khrushcher denounces!

Today’s title comes from what said after the largest cavalry charge in history during the Battle of Vienna. What is probably one of the most important and understated events in the history of the world.

Anywho, have some more delicious pictures.

Most of these pictures come from wikipedia, by the way, half of them from the article on the Peninsula War

If anyone desires a picture to have irrelavant writing tacked upon it, link away!

Now today’s lesson: Portugal has the worst literacy rate in Western Europe, because of ineffectual governments in the earlier part of this century. They also were bad at colonising countries.

My twitter, for ease of contact:

Also, I highly recommend you join NS2, now.

Until we meet again, glorious readers, may you have a safe return to the decrepid and immoral wastelands of the internet!

March 11, 2009 Posted by | Generic Ramblings | , , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment