Compound interest is boring!

Compound interest is boring exhibits satisfiability. ~ Exvirgin, 2010


So, things are crazy on the Korean Peninsula.

Lots of excitement involving Nuclear Weapons and Missiles and such.

North Korea is talking big, but probably won’t attack South Korea or the US outright, although the possibility cannot be ruled out.

The world seems a little screwed up right now.

June 17, 2009 Posted by | Generic Ramblings, News | , , , | Leave a comment


There are no Giraffes in Portugal.


April 24, 2009 Posted by | Generic Ramblings, Utterly Pointless | , , , | Leave a comment

Flotation warning!

The armada comes hither!

April 10, 2009 Posted by | Surprise post!, Utterly Pointless | , , , , | Leave a comment


It actually exists.

April 8, 2009 Posted by | Europe, Surprise post! | , , , | Leave a comment

Jogado em dupla velocidade, ele soa como o Pato Donald

Are we not all French Canadians?

March 31, 2009 Posted by | Quotation compilation, Surprise post!, Utterly Pointless | , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

Number of grandparents, It is to guide you to victory!

Herói do mar, nobre povo,
Nação Valente, imortal,
Rise hoje novamente
Portugal é lindo!
O nevoeiro da memória, da
O, um país, como voz
N º de avós
É para orientá-lo para a vitória!
Armas, às armas!
Mar e terra, sobre
Armas, às armas!
País para uma luta!
Artilharia, mar, mar Contra!
Invicta, desfraldar banner
Sua luz brilhante no céu!
Brade em todo o distrito:
Em Portugal está morto
Beija o solo encomendou
Mar, a rugir de amor,
E o vencedor do braço
Dê ao mundo o novo mundo!
Armas, às armas!
Mar e terra, sobre
Armas, às armas!
País para uma luta!
Artilharia, mar, mar Contra!
Saudai o sol subir
Sobre o futuro Ridenti;
É o eco de uma afronta
Redesenho da assinatura.
Dawn da forte feixe
Como um beijo de sua mãe,
Nós, nós mantemos, mantenha
O destino do insulto é anexado.
Armas, às armas!
Mar e terra, sobre
Armas, às armas!
País para uma luta!
Artilharia, mar, mar Contra!

March 19, 2009 Posted by | Europe, Generic Ramblings, Songs | , , , , | Leave a comment


No, seriously I am. They’re EVERYWHERE!

My blog is getting less and less hits, this is saddening.

The upcoming poster campaign shall solve this problem, I hope.

Sorry for the lack of real content, I’m not in a bloggy mood tonight.

I’m not sure whether that has been posted before, but SCREW YOU!

March 18, 2009 Posted by | Generic Ramblings | , , , | Leave a comment

Airborne leaflet propaganda

The title is irrelevant! Utterly and completely. I just happened to have that Wikipedia atcile open at the time of publishing this blog.

Welcome my delicious blogees (haha, dictionary thinks that should be blockages), to this spectacular edition! Have some images.

Ah yes, the Spanish Armada, not Japanese in the slightest.

Have a biblical reference, my friends. Also, neither of them are Japanese either, so it follows that they are the Spanish Armada.

That’s right, the bird is a military officer of excellent quality.

So, I now have a fairly significant image backlog, so a new blog can be expected later tonight, perhaps.

Or maybe just another song translation.

I apologise for lack of earlier post, but social life came in the way of Portuguese Propaganda.

So, I have a headache, as reflected by the above image. The dying man there looks a little Chinese.

Also, I need a new keyboard. My Mitsubishi (That is Japanese) one is getting a little annoying with its bloody shift key not working so well. Still, I will survive!~ (Hmm, that’s an idea.)

In fact, I feel I will dumb some more rubbish here later this evening.

I bid ye farewell, and remember to FIRE THE CANNONS at the vile wasteland of the internet (this site not including, by the way).

March 14, 2009 Posted by | Generic Ramblings | , , , , , , , , , , , , | 1 Comment


That’s right. Stuff his actual title, he’s a Colonel in my heart~.

The truth, aren’t we all the spawn of dearest Arthur? Is his nose not the most noble you have ever seen?

How could Napoleon have possibly thought of fighting against a man with a nose like that? He was truly a mad man to think so.

I know I promised Bismarck to at least one person, but I could not unearth suitable pictures, so Khrushchev will have to suffice.

You heard the man! Heed his wise words. Because the number of exclamation marks is directly proportional to the amount of wisdom in a phrase.

So, what do you all think of Belgian Weather? Is it nice? Do i have any readers who have ventured into the low countries ever? Do I actually have any readers who I haven’t met in person?

I’d have more pictures, but I need more phrases to put on them. I’d like a shirt with the Chapeu picture upon it. That would be brilliant, no?

And now, on a suggestion:

Oh so tasteful, yes?

I feel I am blogging a little too regularly, but what else am I to do?

Anyway, I need a colour photo of Khrushchev, to be used as an advertisement. Find away, mindless zombies!

So, until we meet again, blogees, may the wasteland of the internet be prosperous for your persons.

March 13, 2009 Posted by | Europe, Generic Ramblings | , , , , , , | 4 Comments

Quotations, forsooth!

Eh, a special segment, in which I will dump amusing quotations I have unearthed in the previous day or so.

America is the ENTIRE western hemisphere. ~ Wikipedia editor, on the Talk:America article. Portugal, Spain, Andorra and Ireland have arbitrarily shifted continent. Why was I not informed?

Sometimes plants can sense your impatience. They don’t answer to human desires. ~ Laurie Taylor, on an article on the BBC.

This will probably be updated throughout the day, and I may compile an archive of quotations at some point.

Fare the well, fellow travellers.

EDIT: Damn, forgot picture again.

March 13, 2009 Posted by | Quotation compilation, Surprise post! | , , , | Leave a comment