Compound interest is boring!

Compound interest is boring exhibits satisfiability. ~ Exvirgin, 2010

I am Nero, Lord of the Dance!

Well, there you have it. The Maori Party still refuses to contact me in return! Well, so be it! They have chosen their own downfall, and, my faithful blogees, we must hasten it! Rise up against this new and vicious tyranny hat is Political PArties not replying to emails, especially ones received from persons claimed to be Earls! Thusly, all willing parties should submit the data which can be found at this link, Divided we Stand, United we Fall, as King Leopold said not all that long ago!

And here is further proof of their indisputable evil!

Their party name contains Mao, and Mao Zedong is noted for the Great Leap Forwards and other moves which destroyed China’s industrial base and killed millions! Mao also contributes negatively to your Deng Shui energies!

They have five, yes, five members in the New Zealand house of representatives. And is it not so, faithful blogees, that five is the number of JUPITER, which is merely one planet away from SATURN, which sounds far too suspiciously like SATAN. Thusly, evil!

Cry ‘God for Harry, England, and Saint George!’ Carry on the crusade, dear friends, until the deed is done, and the evil destroyed!

Please note, this is not at all serious, merely jovial and light-hearted

To arms!

December 14, 2009 Posted by | Angry Rants, Generic Ramblings, Idiocy, Political, The Crusade!, THE TRUTH | , , , , , , , , | 1 Comment